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Signs Your Water Heater Needs Maintenance


Orlando Water Heater RepairA home's water heater, like any appliance, sometimes requires maintenance. It is important to know the signs that may mean maintenance is required. There are many signs. Learning to recognize these signs quickly, and hiring a professional to address any issues is the best course of action.

If water from the tap isn't coming out as hot as it used to, this could mean a faulty heating element. This is common in older water heaters, and it is easy for a professional to replace the element. On the other hand, sometimes water may start coming from the tap hotter than it used to. This could also be an issue with the heating element, but it is more likely thermostat-related. If the water heater is new, and either of these issues occur, consult your warranty.

Cloudy water can sometimes be caused by a water heater problem. If the water in your area is rich in minerals, sediment may build up in the hot water tank over time. This can lead to blocked pipes, and damaging corrosion. Signs of sediment build-up include cloudy water from the hot tap only, or rusty water from the hot tap only. This type of build-up can be removed by a professional.

Wetness on the floor around the water heater's location can indicate leaky pipes. Leaking pipes can lead to significant water damage, and should be addressed as soon as possible. Older pipes can become cracked, rusty, and brittle. Check old pipes often.

Noticing the signs that your water heater requires maintenance quickly can save a lot of time, money, and hassle. Keeping the area where the water heater is installed free of clutter makes it easier to check for leaks, and keep an eye on the thermostat. When in doubt, a professional can assess any problems, and replace faulty parts.

Is the water heater in your Orlando home in need of maintenance? Call Shamrock Plumbing and Drain Cleaning at 407-292-8881 and schedule a service call today!

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